Elee the Shiba Inu with her owner Delphine Lamalle won Crufts Factor 2012 with an impressive display of tricks.
The Shiba Inu, one of the oldest native dogs of Japan, has grown in status as a popular show and companion dog. This top-quality book details the temperament of the Shiba and gives invaluable advice on training and socialization. The Breed Standard is discussed and there is a special section on showing ....
Written by a popular dog-book author and long-time devoted Shiba owner Andrew De Prisco, this Comprehensive Owner's Guide provides a concise overview of the breed's history in Japan, England and the US as well as insightful chapters on the Shiba's characteristics, requirements, puppy selection and training. ....
This handsome, richly coated native of Japan is bold, courageous, and intensely loyal to its owner. It makes an excellent watchdog. Titles in the extensive Complete Pet Owner's Manuals series provide pet owners with basic information on keeping healthy, contented, well-cared-for animals. ....
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