Jenny fell in love with the Sealyham puppies.
Harry Parsons was at Crufts promoting his beloved Sealyhams.
As you'll have noticed I like signs regarding the subject of dog poop. Not the bog standard (if you'll excuse the pun) ones that you see every day, but the more unusual ones. I've highlighted a few in this blog, and while going though old holiday photos I came across this beauty. Written in two languages, not just one, is a bonus, but the real joy is the illustration of the dog. I challenge you to name that breed!
It looks like the body of a Basset, the head a Dachshund, the tail of a Labrador, and legs made of cardboard tubes by the looks of them. There is the
The Sealyham Terrier - His Origin, History, Show Points and Uses As A Sporting Dog - How to Breed, Select, Rear, And Prepare For Exhibition. ....
We don't have a breed profile for the Sealyham Terrier just yet, but feel free to browse the pictures or leave your own.
If you are an expert in this breed, please contact us about contributing to the profile.