Ziggy the painting dog - interview
Wolf walk - interviews
Buddy's Diary
A friendly and playful little boy. 2 years old. His happiness is contagious!
The Kennel Club has at last reacted really well to the furore created by the Pedigree Dogs Exposed Documentary, with this announcement “Kennel Club to Clamp Down on Breeders to Safeguard Health of Pedigree Dogs”. (www.thekennelclub.org.uk/item/2089/23/5/3)
The firs new standard is for the Pekingese, and demands the breed has a muzzle rather than a completely flat face. (www.thekennelclub.org.uk/item/196)
My interest is Peked Click photo for larger image and details |
Delby is a gorgeous young Peke.
Dog ownership is a big responsibility that includes having breed-specific knowledge. Informative and expertly written, The Guide to Owning a Pekingese is designed to assist new owners in all facets of living with this spirited toy dog. From selecting the right Pekingese to answering the most frequently ....