Dog Book Schnauzers by BARRON'S PUBLISHING - Get Fast Shipping and Low Prices at on over 43,000 Pet Supplies such as Dog Food, Dog Supplies, Cat Food, Cat Supplies, Bird Food, Bird Supplies, Aquarium Supplies and Fish Supplies. We offer our customers the largest selection of Pet Supplies ....
These robust canines originated in Germany as herding dogs and ratters many centuries ago. Today, Schnauzers are popular pets worldwide. Miniatures, standards, and giants?they're all here. All Complete Pet Owner's Manuals are heavily illustrated with color photos and line art, and are filled with reliable, easy-to-understand information on pet care. The many titles in this series show and tell pet owners how to care for dogs, cats, birds, fish, reptiles, gerbils, hamsters, and virtually every other animal that is kept as a pet.
Cutting an impression of imposing power and unmistakable style, the Giant Schnauzer is revered as a bold and dependable guard dog, an adaptable working dog and a good-natured, handsome family dog. One of Germany's many auspicious contributions to the dog world, the Schnauzers, of which the Giant is the ....
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