Originating in the valley of England's Aire and Wharfe Rivers, the Airedale Terrier rightly deserves its moniker "the King of Terriers." A multi-talented and versatile superdog, the Airedale possesses the gameness of a terrier along with the retrieving and hunting abilities commonly associated with ....
WATCH DOGS: THEIR TRAINING AND MANAGEMENT. By Lieut.-Col. E.H. Richardson. A VINTAGE DOG BOOKS CLASSIC REPRINT. Originally published in 1923, this extremely scarce early work on Guard Dogs is both expensive and hard to find in its first edition. ....
The Airedale is the undisputed King of Terriers, and this impressive courageous dog has a worldwide following. Bred primarily as a hunter, the Airedale has also been used as a police dog and as a dispatch bearer in war. In this comprehensive book of the breed, the author traces the origins of the Airedale, ....
The most extensive line of basic pet information and training guides on the market, Barron's Complete Pet Owner's Manuals are written by experts, and profusely illustrated with full-color photos and instructive, high-quality line art. Each manual is individually written. ....
We don't have a breed profile for the Airedale Terrier just yet, but feel free to browse the pictures or leave your own.
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