Latest news from CAPS:
Handbags Are a Dog's Best Friend
Luna Boston Hosts a Pet Fête to the Benefit Companion Animal Protection Society
(Boston, MA) - Tails are sure to wag on Friday, June 12th as Luna Boston hosts “Doggies + Bags,” a special benefit party for the Companion Animal Protection Society (CAPS).
Luna Boston Hosts a Pet Fête to the Benefit Companion Animal Protection Society
Here's the latest news from CAPS:
Elite Animals of West Hollywood Meet with Animal Protection Movement Leaders at City Hall
Companion Animal Protection Society's Along with Animal Activists Believe that Elite Animals is Selling Pet Factory Animals and Defrauding Consumers
We have an interview with Deborah Howard, the founder and president of CAPS in the latest episode of DogCast Radio -out now! Below is the latest news from CAPS:
Animal Planet Airs Special: Puppy Mills Exposed
Deborah Howard President of Companion Animal Protection Society Helps Expose Inhumane World of Pet Shops and Puppy Mills
Around the world there are many people fighting the very necessary fight against puppy farms and mills, and all those who profit from them. This is necessary, obviously, for the welfare of dogs, and also to stop the exploitation of people looking to buy a puppy. Once people learn the right way to go about buying a puppy, puppy mills will be out of business anyway, so education is an important part of putting a stop to this vile business.
Here's some news from CAPS, which is the Companion Animal Protection Society. I interviewed the founder of the society Deborah Howard, which you can hear in Episode 57 of DogCast Radio. I love what the society stands for, and I love the fact that it was the experience and vision of one individual - Deborah - that started it all. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that "just one person" can't make a difference!
If you’re into dogs and art, there’s an event in December in Massachusetts that might interest you. And while you’re enjoying the art, you can know you’re improving the lives of animals who really need help.
It may seem as familiar as the nativity at Christmas, but it’s time for a reminder about puppies and Christmas. Don’t buy a puppy as a Christmas present. Apart from anything else, Christmas is far too busy a time for most of us to devote the necessary attention to a new dog. The comings and goings will make it impossible for them to bond with their new pack and settle into a new home.