Sometimes when I go into the bathroom and there's a big spider which takes me by surprise I scream. Sometimes when I'm hanging washing on the line in the garden a bee will buzz very close to my ear, and I will scream. At these times it is wonderful to know that while the rest of my family are rolling their eyes, muttering under their breath and basking in their sense of their own superiority, there is one in my household on whom I can rely.
Buddy and Julie in action in the timed fetch game - how many retrieves can you manage in one minute?
Buddy, a gorgeous is rather drooly Newfoundland.
Geocaching and dog walking - the perfect match!
I got into conversation yesterday with a chap who declared himself a fervent dog lover. His enthusiasm for dogs was apparently only equaled by his dislike of cats. He had lived with both cats and dogs and could not see the point of cats, but a dog was your mate he opined. Then he said that the main reason he couldn't take to cats was that they only attached to humans to get food, and would be just as happy to be fed by somebody else.
I sometimes wonder how Buddy feels about having to spend so much of his life waiting. He wakes up firing on all cylinders and ready to seize the day, but has to wait for me to come round, which usually involves ingesting sufficient caffeine. He dances about me in the kitchen waiting to be fed his breakfast. Then he has to wait for me to get some work done before we go for a walk, and of course if I co out he ends up waiting at home for my return.
I love this photo of Buddy and some of the Safe and Sound team in the main arena at Crufts 2010. He had to stay in the car while the children moved around him and the commentator warned the audience about the dangers of teasing dogs in cars. Although he did in deed stay in the car, he longed to get out and join in the fun, and he kept flashing me that reproachful expression, clearly asking, "Can I go and play now?"
It was great fun and a wonderful message to help publicise.
Take care,
Julie x
Buddy waiting for me to catch up.
Buddy waiting for me on a walk.
Buddy waiting for me on the walk.