In this show you can hear Dawn Antoniak-Mitchell talk about her book Terrier-Centric Dog Training- From Tenacious to Tremendous which offers effective advice to those trying to live in harmony with their terrier or terrier mix - and it may surprise you to know which dogs are terriers. We hear from Sarah Hursthouse about Treibball, the latest dog sport to arrive in the UK - a herding sport where dogs push large balls into a goal. And in the DogCast Radio News you can listen to the dog stories you might otherwise miss out on.
Sarah Hursthouse offers classes in Treibball at Dogskool in Cheshire, UK.
Try out a new dog sport at the APDT activity weekend in June.
If you fancy trying something new with your dog, the APDT - Association of Pet Dog Trainers - has an activity weekend in June that could be just what you're looking for. You can attend and participate with your dog, or you can just watch what's going on. So if you'd like to find out more about gundog training, search and rescue, treibball (a dog sport that's very new to the U.K.), working trials or rally, and even have a go at any of them with your dog, all the information you need is here:
Treibball is the latest dog sport - hear all about it from Sandi Pensinger. Toni Shelbourne talks about her book The Truth about Wolves and Dogs which questions alpha theories. Plus hear in the DogCast Radio News how you can vote to keep the dog token in Monoploy and join in the latest online fad of Find Momo.