Latest news from Surfice dog Ricochet. To hear Judy tell the inspiring story of how her dog Ricochet became the rising canine star and fund-raiser she is in Episode 118 of DogCast Radio. Here's how you can help Ricochet raise money to fight canine cancer:
HERO DOG AWARDS - Please vote for Surf dog Ricochet, the SURFice dog!
I get regular press releases from Dogs Trust and I include many of them on the blog because they are asking for new loving homes for deserving dogs, or because they are celebrating fund raising efforts of brave individuals. And then this email arrived this morning, and I just had to include it. Poor Lucy has terminal cancer and is looking for a home to live out her days in. It's a big ask; it will mean bonding with Lucy, supporting her and coming to love her, all the time knowing you will lose her.
When it comes to a cancer diagnosis, one of the most common questions I'm asked is, "How did my dog get this?" It's only natural that people want to know what they could have done to prevent this dreadful diagnosis.
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (
When it comes to a cancer diagnosis, one of the most common questions I'm asked is, "How did my dog get this?" It's only natural that people want to know what they could have done to prevent this dreadful diagnosis.
If you were moved by the death of the world's tallest dog, Gibson, you might want to make a donation in his memory at the Three Paws for the Cause link below. You can hear the DogCast Radio interview with Gibson's breeder and owner, Sandy Hall, in Episode 18, and you can read Gibson's whole story in Sandy's words here.
Through the wonders of Twitter, I came across a site called 2 dogs 2000 miles. Luke lost his dog Malcolm to canine cancer. Now Luke and his remaining dogs Hudson and Murphy are in the middle of walking from Austin to Boston, hoping to raise awareness of canine cancer and funds to help fight it. Luke has a clear vision of what he aims to do, and a firm belief he can do it.