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Bernese Mountain Dog

What Would My Berner Choose?

Article Description: 

You may not have realized it at the time, but when you adopted your Berner, you “signed” an unwritten contract whereby you accepted “power of attorney” to make medical decisions on his behalf. Making such decisions can be challenging. Veterinarian Nancy Kay has advice to help you become the best advocate possible for your dog - whether he's a Berner or not!

Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (

You may not have realized it at the time, but when you adopted your Berner, you “signed” an unwritten contract whereby you accepted “power of attorney” to make medical decisions on his behalf. Making such decisions can be challenging. For starters, there is often the need to comprehend and sort through a good amount of technical/medical information. Secondly, we all love our dogs dearly, and the thought of making the wrong choice on their behalf is a dreadful one indeed.

Episode 40 - Petstreet and Stevie the blind agility dog

Released Sat April 28, 2007
Length: 0:40:37
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