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Battersea's urgent call for doggy foster parents – could you help a homeless hound?

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home is in urgent need of temporary foster carers for its abandoned dogs.

Every year, some 6,000 dogs come through Battersea’s doors, and many of them find kennel life to be a bewildering and stressful experience. For those who struggle the most, like Sandy, a foster family gives them to chance to settle in a peaceful, loving home while permanent owners can be found for them.

Don't have a cold and lonely Christmas! - Battersea can help

Don’t let this Christmas be lonely – foster a Battersea animal.

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home hopes its dog and cat fostering scheme can transform Christmas for those due to spend the festive season alone.

The charity is looking to recruit new dog and cat foster carers, who can take animals into their home and care for them while they recover from operations, or to give them a break from kennel or cattery life.

Yorkshire Terrier fostering litter of kittens

This is Bridget, the 10 year old Yorkshire Terrier who lost two puppies of her own, and is now fostering a litter of kittens at the Humane Society of Utah. Apparently Bridget and her babies are all doing very well.

Take care,

Julie xx