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Facebook users can help Oldies Club win £5,000

If you're on Facebook you could help Oldies Club win £5,000 which will help the charity immensely. Oldies Club does marvelous work rehoming older dogs, and you can hear an interview with them in Episode 116 of DogCast Radio. Older dogs can be easily overlooked in rescue shelters, so Oldies Club are helping dogs who are really in need of support.

Help Surfice dog Ricochet raise funds to fight canine cancer

Latest news from Surfice dog Ricochet. To hear Judy tell the inspiring story of how her dog Ricochet became the rising canine star and fund-raiser she is in Episode 118 of DogCast Radio. Here's how you can help Ricochet raise money to fight canine cancer:
HERO DOG AWARDS - Please vote for Surf dog Ricochet, the SURFice dog!

New development - vote for Target

Here's a very touching follow up to the last post asking you to vote for Ricochet:

Please help spread the word for Target by forwarding, posting, twitting, blogging, etc!!  Thank you.