The case of Lennox the dog who was taken into custody by Belfast City Council in May 2010 has finally been settled. A judge has decided that the dog must be put to sleep - and this time there can be no appeal.
Defra recently revealed Government plans to tackle irresponsible dog ownership - you can read Defra's statement and how to respond in this previous blogpost. There has been disappointment within the dog world that the proposals didn't really tackle the issue of how to deal with dangerous dogs. The RSPCA is currently running a campaign called 42 Teeth - "All dogs have 42 teeth, but only some have irresponsible owners."
This press release arrived today and I think it's a great campaign to get behind and support. Puppy farms must be stamped out - for dogs' sake and for dog lovers' sake too. Please read and support this campaign:
C.A.R.I.A.D - The campaign to end puppy farming in Wales
Sometime over the weekend of 13th/14th November my daughter and I saw the John Lewis Christmas advert on television. We both had the same reaction, that it was not right - or even Christmassy - to show the dog in the advert stuck out in the snow in an old-fashioned, doorless kennel. Then the program we were watching came back on and we forgot about it. When I went onto the Internet on the following Monday morning, the doggy circles in which I move were awash with people complaining about the advert - the inadequate shelter, the isolation of the dog - and it was clear that I was not the only one who hadn't liked this advert. Many people were advocating contacting
The John Lewis Christmas advert contains scenes that many dog lovers have found offensive. I started a Facebook page which 1000 people joined in the first twenty four hours, and there is a petition too which within a day had over 1000 signatures.
John Lewis ignored us, then they fobbed us off then they misled us. This is the email that was sent to me, it is this wording which caused a story to run in my local paper which was picked up by the Telegraph (who did not contact me) :