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The importance of Doorways…

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Well I’m sure that most of you know this one, but for those in a student role this is a must on every visit as far as I’m concerned. Looking at the behaviour in the dog's home, the hub of its life is essential to have the benefits in the outside world.
The benefits of ensuring that the owner goes before the dog at doorways are three-fold.

Well I’m sure that most of you know this one, but for those in a student role this is a must on every visit as far as I’m concerned. Looking at the behaviour in the dog's home, the hub of its life is essential to have the benefits in the outside world.

Episode 81 - Free Shaping and Tellington Touch

Released Sat January 24, 2009
Length: 0:56:19
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  • Pam Dennison on Free Shaping
  • Toni Shelbourne on TellingtonTouch
  • News
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Mic Martin


Mic Martin helps dog owners train their dogs on the television programme Dog Borstal.

Heelwork training class

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This is a video of a training class at the Cold Wet Nose Show. This was run by Dr Roger Mugford's The Company of Animals. As you can see, in this class handlers were learning how to get their dog to walk to heel.

They were doing really well, but I love the Cocker Spaniel off to the left hand side who decided to opt out! I like a dog with a bit of spirit and a mind of his own.


My friend's uncle's dog

It’s often questioned whether there is any point sending dogs away to be trained by an expert without the owner present. Many question whether the dog will associate his new found obedience with his owner at all, and whether once back at home he will revert to behaving as before.

Whatever the truth of it is, I heard a funny story about it the other day from a friend. Apparently an uncle of my friend had a dog years ago who was very naughty. The dog was duly bundled off to no less than legendary trainer Barbara Woodhouse to be sorted out.

Adolescent Dogs & The Dog House


Puppy and adult dog training classes, residential dog training, private tuition and behaviour. Using positive training techniques, focusing on building a strong relationship between dog and owner. Real life training for realistic handling. Surrey & Hampshire.

Adolescent Dogs & The Dog House


Puppy and adult dog training classes, residential dog training, private tuition and behaviour. Using positive training techniques, focusing on building a strong relationship between dog and owner. Real life training for realistic handling. Surrey & Hampshire.

Episode 62 - Crufts 2008 and How to Train Your Dog Using Its Own Language

Released Sat March 22, 2008
Length: 0:55:51
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Graeme Sims is a trainer, shepherd, artist and retired vicar who can work up to nine Border Collies simultaneously, each in a different languae - he talks about his new book, The Dog Whisperer.
Crufts 2008 was a great platform for many to get their dog related message out, we talked to Neil Morrissey and Victoria Stilwell among others.
The DogCast Radio News includes a chart hit only dogs can hear, and host Julie considers just why some of us get so attached to one specific breed.

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Episode 61 - Lloyd Aguero on training and Dr. Paula Terifaj on Breed specific legislation

Released Sat March 8, 2008
Length: 0:48:15
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Lloyd Aguero is an innovative dog trainer who uses socialisation in training classes, and rehabilitates dogs through Project Heart. Dr Paula Terifaj is passionately opposed to breed specific legislation, and she sets out the reasons why.
DogCast Radio News covers identical dogs and a dog who is one in a million.
Hear a review of The Diplomatic Dog of Barbados, how one brave youngster reacted to the poisoning of her dogs, and how Trover Coats are helping dogs in need.

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Episode 60 - Bringing Light to Shadow and improving your dog's diet

Released Sat February 23, 2008
Length: 1:07:25
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Experienced trainer Pam Dennison almost met her match with Border Collie Shadow, whom she has helped to overcome agression problems.
Dr Paula Terifaj has some excellent advice on how to improve your dog's diet.
Author Bernard Cartwright reads an extract of The Knocknobbler, catch up with the latest DogCast Radio News, and hear about some music specially for dog lovers, and a great new dog book.

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