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Excessive baggage? Battersea sees huge increase in abandoned dogs as owners jet off on holiday

People tend to think Christmas is the busiest time for Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, however Battersea has seen a 204 per cent increase this year in the number of intake calls during the first week of the school summer holidays compared with a normal week in May.

With the school summer holidays in full swing and UK airports experiencing their busiest time of the year, the world famous rescue centre has seen a surge in the number of abandoned pets as owners head to sunnier climes.

A guide to taking your dog on your holiday

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Taking your dog on holiday with you can add a lot to your vacation - if you get it right. Here are some useful tips to make sure it's an enjoyable time for you and your dog.

Not only do I work as a full time dog behaviourist, I am a proud dad to my lovely daughter and there's my better half Sara. Our daughter is now 13, and since her birth we have become firm advocates of holidaying within the UK with our dogs.

Have you thought about you dog's welfare during your holiday?

Here's some great advice from the RCVS about vacation care for your dogs:

Include veterinary care in holiday plans,’ advises the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
If you are holidaying with your pet this summer, remember to find out about the arrangements for out-of-hours emergencies at a local veterinary practice before you go, advises the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS).