If you're within driving distance of north Shropshire and you fancy a bit of free training take advantage of this opportunity at Aricia Dog Training:
Wanted Dogs and Handlers
Dogs and handlers wanted to take part in the Association of Pet Dog Trainers Assessment Weekend.
Free tuition - The classes are for 1 hour 15 minutes.
On Saturday 22 October
9.15-10.45 a.m.
10.30-a.m. - noon
12.15-1.45 p.m.
1.30-3.00 p.m.
2.45-4.15 p.m.
4.00 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.
Buddy is now an Olympian. Now before you get too excited he only took the "bronze" - our team came in third - but it's the taking part that counts, and we took part. We were part of a team from Aricia Dog Training participating in the Interclub Dog Olympics 2010, sponsored by Burns Pet Food. So what kind of activities are included in a doggy Olympics? - read on and I'll reveal all!
The Aricica team.
An article detailing how Carole & Stewart Thornley of Aricia Dog Training lost their beloved girl Zena to Granulomatous meningoencephalitis. In a brave move, they share their experiences in the hopes of raising awareness and informing other dog owners and as a tribute to a lovely dog who died too young.
Kehala Touch of Gold
Belgian Shepherd Tervueren Bitch, Born 5 November 2007