Star tells it like it is!
Star knows her own mind!
Buddy know's fair is fair.
A Labrador's enthusiasm is part of his charm. Apparently.
Buddy being a boy!
Scientists all over the world are searching for the missing matter in the universe. They know how much there should be from observing they way the galaxies move, but they just can't find it. You may hear this missing stuff called "dark matter", but that is just their way of saying they can't see it, and don't really know where it is.
What could dog hair have to do with all this?
Scientists all over the world are searching for the missing matter in the universe. They know how much there should be from observing they way the galaxies move, but they just can't find it. You may hear this missing stuff called "dark matter", but that is just their way of saying they can't see it, and don't really know where it is.