Coprophagia - or eating poo - is one of the more disgusting habits a dog can have. A listener is trying to tackle this problem with her two dogs, and veterinarian and author Nancy Kay has expert avdvice. Cruciate ligament rupture is one of the most common problems of the hind leg in dogs - but there is every chance a dog can live a full, happy, "normal" life after treatment. Surgeon John Davies who performed TPLO on Star has all the information you need. Plus the DogCast Radio News and how great our dogs are at developing strategies to get what they want.
Star has gone from strength to strength since my last post about her, The Restorative Power of Baked Potato. She is so much better that she's been back on the dog food for weeks - being indulged with baked potato is a distant memory, thank goodness. I'm sure she would choose being out of pain and being able to move around freely over the molly coddling she received.
It's four days after Star's TPLO surgery for a ruptured cruciate ligament now, and it's been a rough four days for us all, but especially Star. She doesn't take pain well, and I don't blame her if I'm honest. She is normally such a cheerful dog and it's been upsetting to see her spirits and her tail down for so long. She refused to drink until yesterday, so we've been dosing her with water using a syringe from a bottle of children's medicine. She has objected to the procedure, but eventually resigned herself to it.