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Episode 123 - Sadie and the rattlesnake and dogs on beds

Released Sat October 8, 2011
Length: 1:11:41
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When Sadie had an unfortunate encounter with a rattlesnake the race was on th save her life - but that was just the beginning. Where should dogs sleep? - Debbie Connolly and Nick Jones discuss the issue. Plus the DogCast Radio News and a review of Gentle Dog Training by Michael Hasbrouck.

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So do you let sleeping dogs lie on your bed?

I was invited onto the Radio 5 breakfast show this morning to discuss whether dogs should be sleeping on their owner's bed. This is the second time I've been asked on to talk about this issue, and it's one that rumbles around and erupts into the news every so often. Interestingly, the latest survey in the UK has found that almost double the amount of dog owners in Scotland share their bed with a pet than the rest of us further south, and I think it's possibly because the weather up there is slightly cooler.

Distracted by the abstract

I got into conversation yesterday with a chap who declared himself a fervent dog lover. His enthusiasm for dogs was apparently only equaled by his dislike of cats. He had lived with both cats and dogs and could not see the point of cats, but a dog was your mate he opined. Then he said that the main reason he couldn't take to cats was that they only attached to humans to get food, and would be just as happy to be fed by somebody else.