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Injections and inter-species communication - food for thought

A couple of headlines caught my head in the newspaper I bought on Saturday. One was Vaccines 'are making our dogs sick as vets cash in' and featured quotes from Catherine O'Driscoll of Canine Health Concern. I interviewed Catherine for Episode 96 of DogCast Radio, and I know her worries come from her experiences with her own dogs.

Can you communicate as well as your dog?

Article Description: 

When our vet questioned our dog Star's courage when she whined while being vaccinated, it made me think. She wasn't being brave or cowardly - she was just saying, "Stop it!" Dogs comunicate with us in many ways - do we communicate as clearly as them?

When we took Star, our Bichon Frise puppy to the vet for her vaccinations, the
vet made a comment which although it was said with affection brought me up
short. After her first injections, she screeched so violently, a quick return
visit to the surgery was necessary for painkiller to be administered. On this,
the second bout of shots, she yelped and struggled as the needle broke through
her skin.

"You're not the bravest are you?" the vet questioned as he ruffled her fur.