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Dog food ad made to appeal to dogs

Apparently, "Nestlé Purina has created the first-ever television commercial especially for dogs."

The dog who came in from the cold

That headline is finally true!
Click on photo for larger image.

Sometime over the weekend of 13th/14th November my daughter and I saw the John Lewis Christmas advert on television. We both had the same reaction, that it was not right - or even Christmassy - to show the dog in the advert stuck out in the snow in an old-fashioned, doorless kennel. Then the program we were watching came back on and we forgot about it. When I went onto the Internet on the following Monday morning, the doggy circles in which I move were awash with people complaining about the advert - the inadequate shelter, the isolation of the dog - and it was clear that I was not the only one who hadn't liked this advert. Many people were advocating contacting

Have you seen this funny Peter Kay agility advert?

This advert featuring Peter Kay is fantastic. I love Peter's performance in it - and the dog's! Excellent. If only it was that simple.


Amazing slow motion dog video

This video is amazing. I love the way the fur ruffles, the toes wobble and all the other details you get to see that are normally too fast for the eye to see. Enjoy!