It may seem as familiar as the nativity at Christmas, but it’s time for a reminder about puppies and Christmas. Don’t buy a puppy as a Christmas present. Apart from anything else, Christmas is far too busy a time for most of us to devote the necessary attention to a new dog. The comings and goings will make it impossible for them to bond with their new pack and settle into a new home.
The American Veterinary Medical Association has produced its 2007 U.S. Pet Ownership and Demographic Sourcebook. The statistics included make fascinating reading. For example, while there are 43 million dog owning households in the USA, there are 37.5 million cat owning households. However, there are more cats – 81.7 million – than dogs – 72 million – in the country. So clearly there are a lot of multi-cat houses.
Owner - Cindy
I am the proud owner of Kacy, Debbie. Kacy is very curious about everything I do. Oh my gosh when the mail comes in. He will open it and then leave it alone. I have lost all my hearing other then 13% and Kacy hears for me. He is very talented in this area as many others. Kacy will have his first year birthday on October 21st. His best friend RJ will come over to play. RJ is a Rat Terrier and has taught Kacy many things. Kacy is playful and loves my cocktiel October. They play all the time. Kacy is very gentle with October. Its like they are good friends.
Interviews from the Cold Wet Nose show 2008, news and fiction.
There is much discussion in newspapers at the moment about the credit crunch "forcing" dog owners to give their pets up to rescue centres because they can no longer afford to keep them--- but what are the real costs of keeping a dog? What are the "essentials" of good dog care, and what is simply "window dressing"? How much are we as dog owners influenced by the advertising industry? ....
There is much discussion in newspapers at the moment about the credit crunch "forcing" dog owners to give their pets up to rescue centres because they can no longer afford to keep them--- but what are the real costs of keeping a dog? What are the "essentials" of good dog care, and what is simply "window dressing? How much are we as dog owners influenced by the advertising industry?
More details soon
If you haven't read "Merle's Door" by Ted Kerasote, you've missed out on a treat. This is an amazing book that tells the story of a man and a dog living in harmony.
Ted met Merle when the dog was around ten months, and living wild in the Utah desert. Ted was on vacation taking a river trip, and Merle ended up travelling down the river with him and his friends. At the end of the trip a bond had been formed, and Merle accompanied Ted back to Wyoming.
Ted's home in Kelly is in the middle of a national park, and the dogs living there are afforded freedom which would be impractical in most areas. Having lived alone, Merle had become independent, and wanted to come and go on his own timetable. To enable this, Ted installed a dog door - Merle's door. Man and dog could then develop their own routine.