One of dfs's gorgeous adverts.
Darlington dog lover James Hewitt is planning to raise money for his local Dogs Trust rehoming centre by going for the ultimate walkies next month (April 2010). In just 12 hours he will take a minimum of 100 resident rescue dogs for a one-on-one walk around the rehoming centre’s fields, covering a distance of at least 50km in just one day.
The picture taken of my dog Jake was when he was still very young. Today, aged almost nine - he was sadly put to sleep as he had cancer. Nice to have his picture here still...and here one taken just a day or two before the end.
I took this photo on a pier in St. George Island, Florida. She is 3 months old. Enjoy =)
Scruffy is a 6-year-old Border Terrier from Ohio
I've just read about the Orang Utan and the dog who are going to appear on Oprah Winfrey soon. There are lovely photos with that article and the postures of the Orang Utan are so human it is amazing. I love the photo of the two cuddling, that surely could be a human and his/her dog.
Buddy, Star and friends have fun!
This is Pepper walking on the snow.
She loves the snow.