This is my dear puppy-dog, Milo.
He is a really sweet and innocent little dog, that get's away with everything! I mean, look at that pretty face :P
My dog Scruffy at the park <3
Here's Jake my 15 & a half year old Wicklow Collie who died on the 1st of May after having being diagnosed with lung cancer.He was a happy dog and enjoyed life to the full.The house is quiet and empty now without him.Jake was a great example of "man's best friend".
A few days after I saw the three dogs tethered outside a shop, I spotted these two. This looked a much happier situation. I love the silent companionableness between the child and the dog. I love the domestic detritus on the windowsill, and I just love the way they are not doing anything in particular, just watching the world go by.
I hope they are are great company for each other, and I know the child will learn so much growing up with a
I spotted this child and dog looking out of a window and couldn't resist taking a quick photo. I love the way they are just sharing a quiet moment, and I love the sense of companionship conveyed.
I got into conversation yesterday with a chap who declared himself a fervent dog lover. His enthusiasm for dogs was apparently only equaled by his dislike of cats. He had lived with both cats and dogs and could not see the point of cats, but a dog was your mate he opined. Then he said that the main reason he couldn't take to cats was that they only attached to humans to get food, and would be just as happy to be fed by somebody else.
Another of dfs's gorgeous adverts.
Another of dfs's gorgeous adverts.