There is good news for devoted pet owners struggling to find rented accommodation with their best friends. A specialist insurance policy is available through Endsleigh Insurance Brokers and Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, to encourage more landlords to accept pets in their properties, making it easier for pet owners to rent with their pets.
Veterinarian Nancy Kay discusses insuring your pets.
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (
This article first appeared in Animal Chronicles the twice yearly community newspaper published by the Marin Humane Society. (
Veterinary health insurance has been around for a good long time, but only recently is it achieving greater popularity with consumers. My sense is that its growth initially was stymied by inadequate, “slowpay, no-pay” reimbursement policies. This seems to be changing now that some insurance providers are willing to provide greater reimbursement amounts to policyholders, thus attracting people who want to take advantage of high-end diagnostic and therapeutic options that might otherwise be unaffordable.