Here's news of an event you might like to take part in. But just a quick word of warning here - hugging is not a natural method of communication for dogs. They may have become familiar with the fact that their humans wrap their arms around them from time to time, and maybe some of them like it, but do be very careful when or if you hug your dog. A dog has to have come to understand that a hug is normal non-threatening behaviour to be any where near comfortable being hugged. That said, let the hugging begin:
How much do you love your dog? Okay, I love my dog more than chocolate - and that's a lot! A new survey (see below) has discovered just how much we do love our dogs - and what it is about them that endears them to us. It's good to know our dogs are so well loved, but we do sometimes run the risk of losing sight of the other humans in our life.