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Sid Korpi

The Lesson of the Squirrels

Article Description: 

Sid ponders her reactions to the interactions between her dogs and the squirrels in her yard. With insight and humour, she examines what makes us feel the way we do in certain situations.

I raced out to the back porch, alerted by the cacophonous barking frenzy of Blanche and Keely, my two nearly apoplectic West Highland white terriers. They were leaping and snapping at the railing that bordered the screened-in corner of the structure. It took only a second to discern what it was that was driving these natural born rodent hunters to distraction—a dastardly squirrel had deigned not only to enter their yard, but was clinging, upside down, to the screen on the outside of the porch, mere feet from the back door to their house!