Dogs name: Copper
Owners Name: Tim Grewe
Copper has white on his left ear. Coppers other talent is he rides my Harley around the yard.
Dogs name: King Edward Spud (SPUD)
Owners Name: Cerys
Just having a drink at the races
Dogs name: george
Owners Name:
Dogs name: Homer
Owners Name: Mandy and Jeff
This is my gorgeous boy! He is gentle, and the most beatiful natured dog ever!!!Bassets rule!!!!!
Dogs name: Valie and Stoffel
Owners Name:
This is my new 2 children. The one ont he left is 8 weeks old and the one on the right is 6 weeks old. Love them to bits.
Dogs name: KO
Owners Name: ter Horst
he is very lazy and his favourite thing to do : Sleeping,sleeping ,walking, sleeping and sleeping
Dogs name: Zoe
Owners Name: Jenni Evans
She's my bubby girl
Dogs name: Buddy
Owners Name: Katrina
Dogs name: angus
Owners Name: mae
this is his sign when he needs to go... u know where ;o)
check him out,
Dogs name: sexy bergere
Owners Name: