Almost defines the term "couch potato" the Basset is a low-key favorite. ....
Bill Stanton has two passions in life: photography and his beloved basset hound, Maggie. Maggie's Way is a lovely combination of these two interests as it merges heartwarming and humorous photographs of Stanton's canine sidekick with befitting quotes and thoughts from famous people, the author, and ....
Learn about blood disorders, glaucoma, and other medical problems that are common in Bassets and how to prevent and treat these conditions. ....
One of the most photogenic, gentle, and lovable of all dogs, the basset can also be stubborn and independent, which means that it usually requires firm obedience training. This book describes the basset's origins and characteristics in detail, and offers expert advice on purchasing, training, feeding, ....
Dogs name: Toby
Owners Name: