Dogs Name: norman
Owners Name: mary-carmen mc dermott
this is my basset hound norman he's 10 years old.poor thing has a heart murmur i just love him to bits i would never want any other dog right now than him.xX
Dogs Name: Shamus
Owners Name: Samantha
I am not ready for pictures!!!!
Dogs Name: Lucy
Owners Name: Crystal Rigby
This is my Lucy at Christmas. She is the 6th basset we have loved in our home!
Dogs Name: Wally
Owners Name: Jared and Angela
I caught him winking...what are the chances
her name is molly
i call her poops mcgee
shes the best dog ever!!!
Dogs Name: Happy
Owners Name: Mo
I rescued Happy from the pound (or maybe she rescued me!) She was housebroken, healthy and happy! I can always count on her to make me smile! She loves eating, sleeping ... sleeping, eating ... giving kisses and SNIFFING!!!
Dogs Name: Wally
Owners Name: Jared and Angela
I fell in love with Wally after the first day.
Dogs Name: Dixie
Dogs Name: asha
Owners Name: rose
she is my happiness!
Dogs Name: Buster
isn't he so incredibly adorable?