Dogs Name: Happy
Owners Name: Mo
I rescued Happy from the pound (or maybe she rescued me!) She was housebroken, healthy and happy! I can always count on her to make me smile! She loves eating, sleeping ... sleeping, eating ... giving kisses and SNIFFING!!!
Dogs Name: Tessie \Sissy-LaLa\ Rigby
Owners Name: Margie Rigby and Crystal Rigby
This is our Tessie. We got her for my Dad after his basset hound Cookie died. We have had her since she was a baby. He loved her so much and she loved him! My dad passed away in 2006 and we still have her. Its nice to have a piece of my dad still around.
Dogs Name: Chelsea
Owners Name: Bela Darlington
Dogs Name: asha
Owners Name: rose
she is my happiness!
Dogs Name: Buster
isn't he so incredibly adorable?
Dogs Name: Gaspard
Owners Name: Virginie
The best friend of the cat is Gaspard!!
Dogs Name: nelly
Owners Name: mina
gangsta nelly
Dogs Name: Brandy
Owners Name: Adriana
Dogs Name: asha
Owners Name: rose
she's the best!
Dogs Name: Lil General Barbosa
Owners Name: Krista
Barbosa is Mommy's sweet little man