I watched the weather forecast this morning which informed me that the morning would be dry but by the afternoon heavy rain would set in. So I decided to switch my day around and walk the dogs in the morning to avoid getting wet. (Remember me not wanting to get wet later in the story.)
I posed the question yesterday of what your style of walking is - but what's your dog's? Our two do like to be out in the lead a lot of the time. I put this down in Buddy's case to wanting to be the first one to encounter anything edible we might come across, rather than any dominant traits. In Star's case, she likes to be up with her big brother; it's a comical site him loping along, with her little legs scurrying away to keep up with him.
What they will both be distracted by is mud or water. What they seem to enjoy most are really big, really
Star takes a mud bath.