If you have a Greyhound, or you're a fan of Greyhounds, or you'd like to find out more about them the following will be of interest to you. Personally I think Greyhounds are a lovely, laidback breed and there are so many myths about them than stop them finding the loving homes they deserve. Here's some more information:
Sunday 26th June 2011
The Great British Greyhound Walk 2011- coming to a park near you!
Buddy waiting for me to catch up.
Buddy waiting for me on a walk.
Buddy waiting for me on the walk.
Someone who is going to be busy raising money for charity os James Hewitt who is doing a sponsored walkies-athon! Here are the details:
Darlington dog lover James Hewitt is planning to raise money for his local Dogs Trust rehoming centre by going for the ultimate walkies next month.
I posed the question yesterday of what your style of walking is - but what's your dog's? Our two do like to be out in the lead a lot of the time. I put this down in Buddy's case to wanting to be the first one to encounter anything edible we might come across, rather than any dominant traits. In Star's case, she likes to be up with her big brother; it's a comical site him loping along, with her little legs scurrying away to keep up with him.
What they will both be distracted by is mud or water. What they seem to enjoy most are really big, really
It amused me when reading Stephen Foster's Along Came Dylan, when he brooched the subject of how fast you go on a walk. He is a strider outer, whereas his partner is a meanderer who likes to take a more leisurely pace, and enjoy the walk. Maybe this is a female/male divide, because it's the same in my house. My husband wants to step it out and look lively, while I want to stroll and savour it, particularly if I've got someone I can chat to. (Unless it's raining.) (If it's raining I'm happy for him to step it out. On his own of course.)
On a walk are you a dawdler or a dasher?