this is sofie. shes the best dog ever! funny and cuddly
Boomer just turned a year old. He's my best friend!
Here's another Crufts story. Alan Checkley and his Support Dog, Fudge, will be at Crufts on Friday 6th March. Support Dogs is a founder member of Assistance Dogs UK and also a full voting member of Assistance Dogs International, an organisation that represents assistance dog training programmes around the world. Every year Support Dogs receives in excess of fifty applications for dogs from each of its programmes, which means that there is currently a two-year waiting list. Without secure and regular funding the wait may be even longer and demand for dogs continues to increase every year.
A disabled man from Burnt Wood, Lichfield, has been given a new lease of life with an assistance dog, Fudge, from Support Dogs.
this is my springer molly!!!! she is a fantastic dog who is a mega poser!
when she sees a camera she is there saying photo me!!
rescued dogs
I’ve met and interviewed Claire Guest several times, and I’m fascinated by the work she does. She trains dog to sniff out cancer, and has also trained a dog to detect low blood sugar level. She is a charming woman, and clearly a talented and patient trainer. I’ve also witnessed her dogs demonstrating their scenting abilities.
this is jerry my dog who i love verry much
Mickey is a lovely boy and despite his age is a puppy at heart.