Dogs name: Notch and Boo
Owners Name: Meghan and Cullen
Daisy's puppies.
Dogs name: Annabelle
Owners Name: Dan and Crystal
Dogs name: Riliegh Tiver
Owners Name: Jaci Sorkness
Riliegh weighing 28lbs pulled 640lbs. At a weight pull competition in Wenatchee, Washington.
Dogs name: Teaka
Owners Name:
Dogs name: Jack
Owners Name:
Jack is a very beautiful and playfull dog. He never wants to be alone and will follow us anywhere. We found him as a skinny and abused stray, but now you'd never know it!!
Dogs name: Maple
Owners Name: Sophie
Maple is a cute girl with full energy. She is a fast runner and chew everything she could reach at home.
Dogs name: Gunsou
Owners Name:
This is my sargeant (Gunsou) when he was 8 weeks old, very adorable puppy
Dogs name: Tuck (2007)
Owners Name: Meghan and Cullen
Tuck is such a good boy! He is the most loving and loyal dog I've ever had!!
Dogs name: Copper
Owners Name:
This is Copper, one of my three beagles who seems to have taken a likeing for sleeping curled up in a plant pot in the sun.
Dogs name: MAXS
Owners Name: Melissa & Rafael
Hi my name is Maxs and I'm 3 month old. :D