This is our beagle; Boston when he was a puppy. He is twelve months old now (so still a puppy) but still as cute as ever...and very VERY spoilt! We are expecting our first I am a little concerned he may get his nose out of joint once it arrives...
Riliegh just turned 3 on October 18th. and he loves his pine cones..
He was too fat for the outfit so it kept pulling his eyes back, so i was trying to take a quick picture and this was one that turned out well, he likes to pose to!
Melisa Wells with Bijoux who inspired Remembering Ruby. See DogCast Radio Episode 67
This expert text on the universally popular hound is for everyone interested in the Beagle as a pet, a show dog or a hunting companion. The lively writing is joined to numerous photos, many in glowing color showing this great rabbit hound at its photogenic best. ....
Beagles are obedient hounds with a solid build and cheerful spirit. Included in this complete guide is a special section that discusses effective ways to help ward off obesity in this always food-hungry breed. ....