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Luna – a cat who stole a dog lover’s heart

Buddy with Luna.
Click on photo for larger image.

“Julie, I don’t know how to tell you this. It’s Luna.” Those were the words that issued from my mobile phone as I stood in the goat enclosure of a theme park in Cornwall. My Mom was at my house caring for the dogs, cats and the rest of the menagerie while we took a week’s break. Now she was ringing me with the news that every pet sitter – or indeed pet owner - dreads most; one of those in her care, despite her best attentions, had died.

Luna was one of our much loved, and looked after cats. She was an affectionate, agile, dainty, beautiful tortoiseshell cat. She was always the more active of the two kittens we brought home only nine months ago. She never caught up

Do you love your dog more than coffee?

How much do you love your dog? Okay, I love my dog more than chocolate - and that's a lot! A new survey (see below) has discovered just how much we do love our dogs - and what it is about them that endears them to us. It's good to know our dogs are so well loved, but we do sometimes run the risk of losing sight of the other humans in our life.

Dogs don't do what??!!

Since dogs can't talk to us, there are many subjects about which we will never know the truth. Of course we can all form opinions on these subjects (informed or otherwise!) and argue about the til we're blue in the face. One of these issues which is certain to have me spluttering, leaving comments and firing off emails signed off as "Outraged of Shropshire", is that of whether dogs love us. According to author Jon Katz they don't.