There is good news for devoted pet owners struggling to find rented accommodation with their best friends. A specialist insurance policy is available through Endsleigh Insurance Brokers and Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, to encourage more landlords to accept pets in their properties, making it easier for pet owners to rent with their pets.
The Guardian campaign wants dog owners to be called guardians as it described their role better. C.A.R.I.A.D. is a coalition fighting puppy farming in Wales and their unscrupulous practices. When artist Jessica Stone adopted a Bulldog with special needs who could have foreseen that the dog would also have an arty side? Plus the DogCast Radio News and more.
If you like your radio with a doggy flavour then try out BBC Radio London's Barking at the Moon:
94.9 goes to the dogs with Barking at the Moon - the Capital’s first doggie radio slot!
Find out why dogs are good for you, why Toto was paid more than the Munchkins in The Wizard of Oz, where the best dog walks and pet-friendly eateries are in London,
Together JoAnne and Anna celebrate what’s so wonderful about dogs with anecdotes and trivia as well as reviewing the latest doggie gadgets and tackling burning issues from the dog world.
Late Nights with JoAnne Good is on Monday-Friday 10pm-2am. Check the schedule online at for details of Barking at the Moon.
Rex is a one year old Victorian Bulldog. He is the best dog in the world:)
zigge bulldog and baby neo kissing
What other animals does your dog share his home with, and how well do they get along together? Ours cohabit with various other species, but have never had to put up with the situation I read about recently. One dog owner's parrot has learned to mimic her voice, to the point where he can give instructions to her dogs. The parrot in question lives with an Alsatian-Collie cross, and two Cairn Terriers. The poor dogs are fooled into responding when the bird calls them over to his cage. Although the bird praises them, he apparently hasn't so far managed to treat them for their obedience.
My Aunt's Bulldog in his favourite place - sitting at her feet, being petted.
This is my dog Stella, she is the best in the world!
Baby DJ is an extremely friendly American Bulldog n can agrre to my Bulldog researching when it comes to being a great guardian dog and good with kids. She lus to ren enjoys her freezbee and is learning how to ride her skate bord...