Dogs name: patch
Owners Name: lia buckler
she is the best dog i ever had
Dogs name: rocky
Owners Name: gurpreet shokar
rocky is soo adorible he a mixed between a rottweiler and a staffordshire bull terrier, rocky is very energetic and loves playing with anyone, espacially his brother ice and sister crystal who are both siberian huskys!
Dogs name: suzy
Owners Name: louise
this is my dog suzy she's a jack russell collie mix
Dogs name: Cooper
Owners Name: Garland Hipps
We were told that Cooper was a Beagle Harrier when we got him, But I believe that he is a Beagle/ Pointer mix. Doesn't matter he is a great dog.
Dogs name: barney
Owners Name: josie
good looking guy who loves the camera
Dogs name: BOO
Owners Name: Mila
Boo loves to go to the beach and swim in the waves, along with his "brother" Dexter, the pug. They're both beach boys :)
Dogs name: Toby
Owners Name: Elaine Ridgwell
my little water baby.
Dogs name: Buddy
Owners Name: Michelle
Buddy is a cross between a black lab (mother) and a golden retriever (father). He is a beautiful dog with the wonderful personality of both breeds.
Dogs name: Abby
Owners Name:
Beagle Mix
The vet believes that Abby could be half labrador, but I've never seen beagles nor labradors with that coloring. She's also a shelter rescue.
Dogs name: bella
Owners Name: jamie
this is bella my 4 month old puppy she is the best animal i have ever had i love her to death they are the best breed of dog anyone could ever get