Heres Toby he loves everyone'
He loves going to pub going out in the car
about the only thing he does not like is going out in the rain
I get regular press releases from Dogs Trust and I include many of them on the blog because they are asking for new loving homes for deserving dogs, or because they are celebrating fund raising efforts of brave individuals. And then this email arrived this morning, and I just had to include it. Poor Lucy has terminal cancer and is looking for a home to live out her days in. It's a big ask; it will mean bonding with Lucy, supporting her and coming to love her, all the time knowing you will lose her.
Bertie is a real mix of breeds, but is most like a Border Collie in character, being a high energy dog. He likes to walk in the country, where he can have a good run. He loves to play with a ball or anything he can retrieve. He loves home cooked food best. He passed his Gold Good Citizen award at ten months.
p>I've just received the email below from Dogs Trust. If anyone could offer Ivy a home the contact information is at the bottom of the text. What a poor little pup - hope she finds someone special to love her. Here's the email:
Staff at Dogs Trust Darlington, Co Durham, have launched an urgent appeal to dog lovers in the North East to foster a beautiful, partially blind and deaf puppy in their care.
Ivy, a white Whippet cross, was born at the rehoming centre in October. While the three month old pup’s six siblings have found homes, little Ivy was not so lucky.
Stephen Foster is the author of Walking Ollie and Along Came Dylan. You can here him talking about his dogs and his books in episode 77 of DogCast Radio. Stephen was interesting and amusing to interview, and I enjoyed his books.
Happily, Princess Beatrice’s dog Norfolk terrier Max, who was lost in Windsor Great Park shortly before Christmas, has turned up safe and sound. She is delighted to have him back, and apart from having picked up an eye infection, Max is none the worse for his adventure. Over New Year we had our own encounter with a lost dog, though not one with such a posh owner.
Is this dog safe left tied up outside a shop?
Here a black dog shows how to do a quick timed retrieve. His owner gets excercise too! This was at fun dog show, the Cold Wet Nose Show. It was good to see how different dogs approached the game. Some, like this dog cooperated, while others could take a bit more persuading!
This is Roxie our adorable Beagalier at 11 weeks old.