While heavy snowfall has caused travel chaos across most of the UK, dogs at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home are making the most of Britain’s blizzard. Akita cross Harvey is one of Battersea’s canine residents who is enjoying the snow. However, Harvey has a thick fur coat to keep him warm. Akitas originate from the mountainous northern regions of Japan and Harvey is definitely feeling at home in today’s weather conditions.
Real loving dog that loves to play. He plays at the dog park with any and every dog he see's.
I've received the following two appeals from Dogs Trust in the last few days. These two dogs really need a loving new owner to look after them. Could you help?
Dogs Trust Darlington’s Urgent Rehoming Appeal
diesel is a beautiful dog he is so loving and a big baby. he gets along so well with everyone and especially are new pup koby who is a akitaxrottweiler (6weeks old). loving breed of dog and just great to have.
How one man's consuming passion for dogs saved a legendary breed from extinction and led him to a difficult, more soulful way of life in the wilds of Japan's remote snow country As Dog Man opens, Martha Sherrill brings us to a world that Americans know very little about-the snow country of Japan ....
Nanook is a Full Bred Akita. She's 4 yrs old. She's a miracle dog because she got kennel cough at 10 weeks old, 2 weeks after we bought her. The vets all said she would die because it turned to pneumonia and she was very sick. I brought her back home and spent weeks giving her alot of love, anitbiotics, etc. and as you can see she's very happy and healthy!
She goes EVERYWHERE with me and has since day one!
My dogs name is Mystery because you just don't know what to expect from her.She is great with my three boys,and is a joy to have around!
Recognized as a "Natural Monument" in Japan and hailed in America and England as a dignified and courageous guard dog and companion, the Akita has fascinate man for thousands of years. The largest of the Japanese spitz breeds, the Akita is a strong-minded, strong-bodied canine with a naturally dominate ....