Dogs name: taz
Owners Name: lucie
I gets comments all the time because she is mostly black and very small but she is ALL Jack Russell. Has anyone else got a pup with an unusual colour?
Dogs name: Alfie
Owners Name: Charlotte
Dogs name: Jackie and Leah
Owners Name: Rhaye
They are from the same litter, and Leah is the runt. Even though she is the runt, she is the boss! lol. She is the brown and white one. Jackie is the black, brown and white one.
Dogs name: ponchy
Owners Name:
he isa loving dog he likes to go for walks and has a fun day here with us we love him soo much
Dogs name: Daisy
Owners Name: Melissa
Daisy is the sweetest dog, shes tiny but absolutley mad!
Dogs name: Clyde
Owners Name: Tasha
Dogs name: J.D.
Owners Name: Jessica Sheets
Dogs name: puppy man
Owners Name:
Dogs name: Scout
Owners Name:
He's 15 weeks old and not hyper!
Dogs name: Abigail von Barksalot (Abbey for short)
Owners Name: Lorrie
Abbey is always thanking us for her world's largest water dish!