Dog Book Terrier by Tfh Publications - Get Fast Shipping and Low Prices at on over 43,000 Pet Supplies such as Dog Food, Dog Supplies, Cat Food, Cat Supplies, Bird Food, Bird Supplies, Aquarium Supplies and Fish Supplies. We offer our customers the largest selection of Pet Supplies ....
Parson & Jack Russell Terriers are petite and lovable--and extremely energetic! In this book, which combines these two breeds, discover how to keep these dogs happy and healthy, while still maintaining a sane household.
The authoritative information and advice you need, illustrated throughout with full-color photographs¿now revised and redesigned to be even more reader-friendly! Jack Russell Terriers (JRTs) demand a lot of attention and activity, but offer a lot of affection and constant amusement. ....
Jack Russell Terriers continues the Breed Basics series. Designed to be clear, concise, and reliable in our training message, this book discusses the Jack Russell personality, breed characteristics and history, selecting a litter and puppy, early obedience training and socialization, training for tricks, ....
Owners who have just acquired a pedigreed pup, and dog lovers planning to purchase a pet, will value Living With a Pet books for their in-depth presentation of the special characteristics and needs of the breed being considered. These books give readers detailed understanding of the animal's daily needs, ....
Owning a Jack Russell Terrier is rewarding and fun! Get all you need to know about feeding, training and caring for your dog in The Essential Jack Russell Terrier . Special features include professional color photos and expert tips on how to make your dog a wonderful addition to the family. ....
Here's detailed advice on a handsome, lively hunting breed that originated in the United States. Titles in this pet care series are similar to Barron's Pet Owner's Manuals, but are larger, with more detailed instruction and more illustrations. The books advise pet owners on purchase, health care, nutritious ....
Books in Barron's Complete Pet Owner's Manuals series present basic information on a wide variety of pets for new or soon-to-be pet owners. Advice and instruction cover proper feeding, housing, health care, training, grooming, protection against hazards, and much more. ....