Star just has to whisper in his ear
Star just wants to have fun!
Star just can't contain herself!
Star is an all action dog!
8 year old bichon frise
Along with chapters devoted to a variety of important care and health topics, this book includes a training chapter that features techniques which are specifically geared to the Bichon's small frame. ....
An angelic vision in white, the Bichon Frise radiates with a warmth and friendliness that is all his own. As a family dog, home companion and show dog, this perfect "powderpuff" makes a reliable, affectionate pet who has won millions of fans around the world with his intelligence, adaptability and flawless ....
The Bichon Frise is relatively new to the American dog scene, but became a solid favorite very quickly. In this all-new book the reasons for the Bichon's rapid rise to fame around the world are given along with a host of chapters on essential care for puppies and adults, effective training, breed standards, ....