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puppy mills

C.A.R.I.A.D - The campaign to end puppy farming in Wales

This press release arrived today and I think it's a great campaign to get behind and support. Puppy farms must be stamped out - for dogs' sake and for dog lovers' sake too. Please read and support this campaign:
C.A.R.I.A.D  - The campaign to end puppy farming in Wales

How not to buy from puppy farms

Puppy farms or mills exploit dogs and inflict dreadful suffering on them in the process. There is no justification for buying from a puppy farm - it doesn't rescue dogs, it just lines the pockets of unscrupulous people. So how do you make sure you don't give your money to a puppy farmer? Dogs Trust has advice:


Catch CAPS on TV

We have an interview with Deborah Howard, the founder and president of CAPS in the latest episode of DogCast Radio -out now! Below is the latest news from CAPS:

Animal Planet Airs Special: Puppy Mills Exposed
Deborah Howard President of Companion Animal Protection Society Helps Expose Inhumane World of Pet Shops and Puppy Mills

CAPS is still fighting

Around the world there are many people fighting the very necessary fight against puppy farms and mills, and all those who profit from them. This is necessary, obviously, for the welfare of dogs, and also to stop the exploitation of people looking to buy a puppy. Once people learn the right way to go about buying a puppy, puppy mills will be out of business anyway, so education is an important part of putting a stop to this vile business.