Do you have a super smart dog, or one who needs extra distraction when left alone? Well here's news that might interest you:
Company of Animals premieres the world’s most eco-friendly dog toy at Crufts
Dogs in the UK are looking forward to being Bamboozled when Company of Animals premieres the world’s most eco-friendly dog toy at Crufts.
Dr Roger Mugford will be giving free advice at Crufts 2010.
Your dog can lose weight and have fun:
The Company of Animals’ Wins Award for Battling the Bulge in Dogs
Underlining The Company of Animals commitment to help battle the bulge in UK’s dogs its multi-award winning Tornado interactive dog ‘brain-teaser’ recently scooped another award as one of the “Top Pet Fitness and Weight Loss Products of 2009” by the Association for Pet Obesity in the USA.
Pet behaviour specialist The Company of Animals understands that the UK’s number one pet hate is moulting, which is no longer reserved for springtime. As the trees start shedding their leaves this autumn, why do our pets start moulting all over again?
Does your dog pull and strain ahead when you are out walking? Would you like to achieve the harmony of having him walk calmly at your heel? Then get involved with Dog Train and Behave Week, which this year is focusing on walking on lead. There are tips on the site from expert trainers such as Dr. Roger Mugford, Victoria Stilwell, and Gwen Bailey that will benefit you and your dog wherever you live.
Here's the press release about the event:
Dog Train & Behave Week Takes the Lead with Free Advice
The Company of Animals has launched a competition to find Britain's Smartest Dog.
Now obviously I know that I live with Britain's smartest dog, but for some reason the folk at The Company of Animals aren't aware of that and are launching a competition to find the smartest dog. It may be that you also think you live with a pretty smart dog, so if you fancy entering the competition, the details are below. I've seen the Nina Ottosson games, and would love to see how Buddy and Star cope with them, so maybe we'll bump into you at the pet shop.
Do you live with Britain’s Smartest Dog?