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Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/27/2008 - 16:21.
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 13:02.
Ben aged 8. He has a wavy coat that grows into ringlets. Ive never seen another dog with a coat like his, does anyone have a jack russell with a curly coat?
Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 15:42.
Doc's first trip to the beach at 1 year old.
When my best friend got her St. Bernard three years ago I thought she was nuts but very shortly fell in love with him, and when she decided to breed him with a local female I decided to take pick of the litter. Two years later I can't imagine life without one of these monsters in my life, drool and shedding aside, he brightens each and every day.
Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 15:42.
This is my babygirl, Kali she is the sweetest dog you will ever find she is always there for me when I'm going through trouble in my life also.
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/20/2008 - 09:26.
this is naughty sheis 8months old n v all love her...
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/20/2008 - 03:20.
Shelby is a Belgian Malinois. She was born September 14, 1995 and was put to sleep 12 years later. She was a very active dog and she loved to play! Until she was getting old and could run anymore......then it just became a torture to play with her. Shelby was always there to make you feel better when you cried. She was a good dog and I miss her so much!
Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 04/19/2008 - 05:31.
This is my special little chinese crested. Don't let her sweet face fool you; she's fiesty.
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 10:13.
her name is asha she is really fat but loveble she can say thank you thank u mum and steph she can also sing happy bday and sings wile i ply my fluet the funny thing is when she say hello when i come back from skool and good bye aswell she can shake hands and do other tricks