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Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 11/15/2008 - 13:47.
Mickey is a lovely boy and despite his age is a puppy at heart.
Submitted by julie on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 22:02.
I was asked to look after these gorgeous dogs.
Submitted by julie on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 21:59.
Buddy is a man's best friend - whether the man likes it or not.
Submitted by julie on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 21:55.
Star just has to whisper in his ear
Submitted by julie on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 21:53.
Star just wants to have fun!
Submitted by julie on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 21:47.
Star just can't contain herself!
Submitted by julie on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 21:43.
Star is an all action dog!
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 15:40.
this is bruno tedd, and mica. Bruno is the lil guy in the coat he is my 3 lbs yorkie. Teddy-Bear my 7 1/2 lbs blonde yorkie and Mica is my 12 lbs palm-a-poo.
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 14:51.
Megan & Bryony relaxing at home.
They are mustard Dandie Dinmont Terriers.
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 14:41.
Hamish one the Dandies we adore!