Here are our most recent photos. You can also view by breed, view by tag or add your own photo.
Submitted by julie on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 17:55.
Dogs Trust and Nintendo have partnered on an innovative new education initiative which is being launched by Girls Aloud.
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/20/2008 - 14:10.
the one with blue eyes, is my girl mia, shes beautiful and such a loving dog. the other one is my merlin a male whos very kind and tame, they are both gorgeous animals, i love them both so much. they are spiritual dogs, they protect me. i love them so much x
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/20/2008 - 08:58.
This is Roxie our adorable Beagalier at 11 weeks old.
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/19/2008 - 15:27.
Hunter Harvieux posing for a fall photo
Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/18/2008 - 04:53.
Sweet, Smart and best friend lovces food!!
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/17/2008 - 20:46.
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/17/2008 - 03:51.
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 22:25.
Missed this photo off my previous post.
This is Tala enjoying her first taste of the sea.
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 21:04.
This is my gorgeous Staffie Tala chilling out in the conservatory and on her first visit to the seaside.
She came on holiday with us in September and had a great time playing with all the other dogs on the beach.
She has been well socialised from a young puppy and gets on well with all dogs and people, especially children.
My previous Staffie, Cleo, a rescue, died at the great age of sixteen after a happy, healthy life with us.
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 17:06.
Just a quick snapshot of Diamond in our yard