Here are our most recent photos. You can also view by breed, view by tag or add your own photo.
Submitted by julie on Wed, 02/27/2013 - 11:58.
Lindsey Claydon with Bella the blind Bedlington Terrier she adopted from Dogs Trust.
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/17/2013 - 01:18.
Truman, my huntin' dawg...
Submitted by julie on Thu, 02/14/2013 - 20:37.
Jenny Deakin helps owners understand their "grumpy" dogs and help them to live happy lives.
Photo credit: Ollie Deakin.
Submitted by julie on Thu, 02/14/2013 - 18:08.
Artist Carole Pivarnik created Doggitude, a collection of stunning dog portraits. You can hear an interview with Carole in Episode 141 of DogCast Radio.
Submitted by julie on Thu, 02/14/2013 - 18:06.
Petey's portrait completed. Artist Carole Pivarnik has produced Doggitude a stunning collection of dog portraits. You can hear an interview with Carole in Episode 141 of DogCast Radio.
Submitted by julie on Thu, 02/14/2013 - 18:04.
Carole Pivarnik's portrait of Petey during the painting process. Carole has produced Doggitude, a stunning collection of dog portraits. You can hear an interview with Carole in Episode 141 of DogCast Radio.
Submitted by julie on Thu, 02/14/2013 - 18:02.
Doggitude is a stunning collection of dog portraits by Carole Pivarnik. you can hear an interview with Carole in Episode 141 of DogCast Radio.
Submitted by julie on Wed, 02/06/2013 - 10:41.
All dogs must be microchipped in the UK from 2016.
Submitted by julie on Wed, 02/06/2013 - 10:15.
Richard Moore from Dogs Trust demonstrates microchipping. All UK dogs must be microchipped from 2016.
Submitted by julie on Wed, 02/06/2013 - 10:13.
Clarissa Baldwin CEO Dogs Trust Owen Paterson and Richard Moore Dogs Trust.